When I was younger, my kindergarten teacher grouped us by table and asked us to bring the following: vinegar, salt, candies, bitter melon, and pepper. The next morning we were tasked to taste each one of what we have brought as a group. Of course, everybody will try the candies because of the familiar taste of that for 5 year old kids. I bet sweet is the best taste for the kids and typical Filipinos. The vinegar taste made our faces crumpled like a sharpei dog. The bitter melon made us puke because of its bitterness. Salt is more of a universal favorite in the household, and by most kids too as they can find it in junk foods as well. And lastly, the taste of pepper made almost everybody cry in the classroom except for my bully classmates who pretended that its had an insipid taste on their mouth. This tasting exercise shown our genuine reflection. As it was through our innocent mouths, we recognized the tastes of life. In this case, it is more like REAL because the taste buds are too sensitive not to recognize tastes and create chemical reactions which subsequently modifies our facial reaction and feelings.
Scientifically speaking, the tongue plays an important role in our digestive system. It is a strong muscle anchored to the floor of the mouth. It is covered by the lingual membrane which has special areas to detect tastes.
The tongue is composed of muscles attached to the lower jaw and to the hyoid bone (a small, U-shaped bone that lies deep in the muscles at the back of the tongue) above the larynx.
On the top surface of the tongue there are small nodules called papillae that give the tongue its rough texture. Between the papillae at the sides and base of the tongue, there are small bulb-like structures that are the taste buds. The muscle fibers of the tongue are heavily supplied with nerves.
Babies have more taste buds than adults and they have these almost everywhere in the mouth, including the cheeks.
The tongue aids in the formation of the sounds of speech and coordinates its movements to aid in swallowing.
The adjective for tongue is "lingual". So the papillae of the tongue are the lingual papillae.
Given this tongue description. I think it is also one good basis of ones sensibility, seemingly the younger you are the more taste buds you have; the more sensitive you are. Will this be a justification for some of those old ones who are insensitive? Scientifically YES, again as you grow older the taste buds become less. Which also explains the genuine smiles of the babies and children. The muscle contractions is ones face has something to do with the sense of taste. Along with the nose, the tongue is efficiently will be working in identifying tastes. If we do not like the taste we often hold our nose and gradually put that thing in our mouth.
This brings me to our sensibility as human beings. This society has different stimuli which could improve our persona, irritate our minds, and more so. This brings me to the social contract theory of Rousseau that our senses and sensibility towards matters . It is stated that"As long as a people is compelled to obey, and obeys, it does well; as soon as it can shake off the yoke, and shakes it off, it does still better; for, regaining its liberty by the same right as took it away, either it is justified in resuming it, or there was no justification for those who took it away." But the social order is a sacred right which is the basis of all other rights. Nevertheless, this right does not come from nature, and must therefore be founded on conventions. Before coming to that, I have to prove what I have just asserted. Therefore, a keen observance of what is common must follow and our sense of belongingness will cement our moral judgments which is patters off from our sensibility.
It is then, according to Grotius, doubtful whether the human race belongs to a hundred men, or that hundred men to the human race. e seems to incline to the former alternative, which is also the view of Hobbes. On this showing, the human species is divided into so many herds of cattle, each with its ruler, who keeps guard over them for the purpose of devouring them.
We may refer culture as one of the stimulants in this growing society. BEAR IN MIND THAT OUR SENSIBILITY AND SENSE OF BELONGINGNESS comes in variations. We must value the following matters as it identifies us among the crowd:
1. All men are created equal, the only variations that we have is our upbringing.
3. There people who are really born to stand out, and remember that YOU are one of them!
4. Always pray for guidance. Your decision in life must be thought along with the grace of our Creator.
5. Do not ever pretend to be somebody. Because you are Unique.
6. Whatever we say and do might break or make us. Be decisive.
7. Trust your capabilities and enrich your talents, this will make you feel at ease with anyone.
8. Value your individuality.
9. Love your God, country, family, friends, and people who have been there for you for better and for worst.
10. Your enemies will make you shine in major way!!!! Your detractors are just shaping you-- because if you have them you're value is by far higher than them. REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE A DIAMOND.
See how ones tongue interjects everything. So tongues up!
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