Crying and tears may be favored by natural selection because they bring about helping behaviour by the spectator. This helping behaviour is explained by the assumption that crying and tears “imitate” some of the perceivable characteristics of a baby that has just been born (e.g., wet face, facial expressions, respiratory sounds). If human parents and people in general are “programmed” by evolution to feel the need to help and protect when they see (and hear) newborns, then when nonneonates are in need, the appearance and the behavior that together show resemblance to the neonate may have survival value at some essential points during phylogeny and, thus, may spread in the human species.
In ontogeny, the fact that the shedding of tears usually occurs for the first time not until weeks or months after birth is not an argument against this view but, rather, supports it.
Some Theories Regarding the Function of Emotional Tears.
In The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals, Charles Darwin listed three reasons for the secretion of tears: “The primary function of the secretion of tears, with some mucus, is to lubricate the surface of the eye, and a secondary one, as some believe, is to keep the nostrils damp, so that the inhaled air may be moist, and likewise to favour the power of smelling. But another, and at least equally important function of tears is to wash out particles of dust or other minute objects which may get into the eyes” (Darwin, 1872: 169). In Darwin’s view, the excretion of emotional tears was related to the first function.
In more recent years, A. Montagu (1959) offered another explanation of emotional tears: The intake and expulsion of air that occurs in sobbing would cause the sensitive mucous membranes of the nasopharynx to dry out quickly if tears did not keep them moist, and as a result, the risk of infection would increase. This explanation was criticized by W.H. Frey (1982:9) who wrote: “Humans do not excrete tears while running or performing other exercise where breathing is increased.” He hypothesized that, like urinating, defecating, and exhaling, emotional tearing may be involved in the removing of waste products or toxic substances from the body. Perhaps people feel better after crying because as they shed tears, they also shed, in those tears, chemicals that build up during emotional stress.
These explanations are essentially physiological, and Darwin made explicit that he assumed no other, more fundamental reason for weeping. He wrote: “…we must look at weeping as an incidental result, as purposeless as the secretion of tears from a blow outside the eye, or as a sneeze from the retina being affected by a bright light, …” (Darwin, 1872: 176-177). In his view, the sole effect of weeping or crying is to give relief to individuals who are experiencing the agony of pain.
In contrast to Darwin’s point of view, the explanation that follows directly links crying and the secretion of tears to evolutionary theory. Crying and the emotional secretion of tears are considered here to be messages that contain a request for help, and humans have the ability to cry and to shed tears because these messages have proven to be effective.
Shedding my tears which are priceless made me realize and recognize people from my field. To achieve your goals, it takes like a thousand of SWEAT, TEARS AND BLOOD.
1. Person Who loves what they are doing and just want to learn more about matters in life.
2. persons who want to share and maximize their skills.
3. Persons who adore and love you that's why they are with you.
4. Persons who are overwhelmed with what they will get from an activity.
5. Persons who want to change the world-- ADVOCATES who I admire personally .
6. Persons who just want to volunteer to get free food and hotel accommodation.
7. Persons who want want to elevate their ranks in their fields-- some even stole certificates for that and calls it " just a piece of paper", but take note they created a crime out of that.
8. Persons who just want to inflict pain on themselves by seeing progress, and can't wait until the next day to ruin such transcendence.
9. Persons who have said that "IT WILL NOT HAPPEN", but again see it for themselves as I say it!
10. Persons who lack moral judgment and dare to speak in public about rights but doesn't really know what thy are talking about.
11. Persons who dare to handle such tasks but can't deliver.
12. Persons who just sabotaged the pre implementation and implementation and even the post-event matters.
13. Persons who want to attain power but doesn't have the capability to do so.
14. Persons who deceives others.
15. Persons you took as human beings with rationale but they act as insects. FACT: DO NOT CALL SOMEONE AN ANIMAL IF THAT PERSON IS REALLY CAPABLE OF TENDER LOVING CARE AND KNOWS HOW TO VALUE LIFE.
16.Person who were really kind to give opportunities of learning for each other.
17. Persons who uses a name and promises you many things but the fact is they are just using you because little didn't you know all of these opportunities must go in their hands first.
18. Persons who doesn't have etiquette and bad mouths, subsequently some even have bad faces.
19. Persons who made used of the venue but didn't pay and made such commotions and used the time being of the people who are in by far important thing to do. In short, Persons who brings in gate crushers.
20. Persons who doesn't know respect
21. Persons who says they're from an organization which believes on such goals but they themselves bastardize it as to implementation.
22. Persons who want others to fail to the extent of destructing themselves before the eyes of others just to gain attention-- MORE OF AN ATTENTION SEEKER.
23. Persons who are mediocre
24. Persons who uses the weakness of others.
25. Persons who made me write these!!!
26. Persons who looks like animal creatures and doesn't know hygiene nor proper dresscodes.
27. Persons who pretends to be a benevolent one.
28. Persons who acts like doesn't have a faculty of perfectabilite.
29. Persons who lies just to suffice the facts of their incompetence.
30. Lastly, persons who should be reprimanded for their conduct of unbecoming.
Anyway so much for identifying persons, I never felt so used like this. To tell you frankly, there were several people who just want a dismantle everything and subsequently ruined themselves. I never spoke about anyone because I know that a rational man has a faculty of perfectabilte and honors the social contract. It more of knowing your true colors and let it shine in the middle of darkness. I believe that God loves those who he gives more challenges in life.
Therefore, these priceless tears will always remind us of lessons and stories of people. It actually sometimes wash away all our worries, hatred, love, trust and even memories. On the other hand it makes you recognize who's real and who's not.
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