Waking up at 4 am going to school has been my lifestyle for like 10 years now since we moved up in the south. It is really tiring for me and my siblings to actually travel. But I guess that is my destiny.. To travel. I feel like I live in my dad's car because most of the time I do my stuffs there except that is I do not answer the call of nature inside the car.
The time I have been spending is more of an indicator of how far will I go for my dreams. It taught me perseverance. Seeing how my parents strive hard to give us a good life, made me more eager to succeed in my chosen endeavor.
I am turning a year older again on the 24th of September. Another 360 days to face! If I will have to blow my candle I will only wish that my bones will grow a bit longer and bigger. God is so wise that He didn't give me 5 inches more because He knows that I would want to be a MISS UNIVERSE.hehehe. I thought that I would create a difference if I am a beauty queen, little i didn't know that inside that world is by far different from what I have used to know when I was younger. Now, I know why God molded me to be like this.
In my previous blog, I have highlighted the importance of the tongue and the taste buds as if defines ones sensibility and moral judgment. Just take a look on a baby and an old woman eating a piece of cracker. In a glance, you will know how they think about things. If the taste is not good usually younger people puke it while the older ones swallows it. Was it because of impression? Protocol? or whatever reason that the taste buds are receptive to. This is more of a picture of a psyche telling us that, as we grow older we tend to look for an identity. Given the theory by John Locke that man is like a tabula rasa- a blank mind. As man adopts to his surrounding, he tend to react on the different stimuli around him. And so he learns and makes up his identity. Again, the taste buds tells how genuine we react to things. A smiling face while drinking vinegar is a picture of hypocrisy. Have you ever felt that way?
I kept on hearing about the pains of growing up like it is being high lighted to me whenever I speak to this persons; as if they want me to really feel it. Gosh, i feel there are those who want me to feel in pain. iF THERE IS ONE USELESS THING TO DO THEN IT IS TO WORRY ABOUT NOTHING.
This brings me to a self inflicted thing--- SELF PITTY. This is the feeling by which no one should feel about. It invites negative ions in your body and makes you feel sick. it will also make your face deformed.Would you want that?
Pain while growing up is indeed inevitable specially to those who weren't born with beautiful teeth and thanks to their parents, they have braces. Wearing braces is never easy actually but I believe in the promise of aesthetics and by the hands of my dentist that "BRACES MAKE BEAUTIFUL FACES". My mom said that if I want to look good, do not mind the pain.
Another thing that makes me feel special is that the pain that I went through from the series of events in my life. Also, what is most painful while growing up besides learning how to use a high heeled shoes for ladies like us would be loosing self respect because of irrational decisions. Irrationality driven by the trends of todays society has brought many young minds to act irresponsibly with matters confronting them.
One lesson that I have learnt is that, WHATEVER THEY SAY AGAINST YOU, DO NOT SPEAK ABOUT ILL THINGS TOWaRDS THEM. You will then realize that you are by far in a higher altitude than them because of their behavior towards you. DO NOT STOOP DOWN TO THEIR LEVELS.
In my field of involvement,grasping different personas made me literately accurate when i make judgments among people. I never speak about others unless I have been with them or whatever ways that shown his or her psyche. Take for example this anecdote "I have met several idealistic minds who never had such experience but I refer them as intelligent ones. they are decisive about who to be with and hang out with, and they will even kiss your ass just to get in your circle. Then after those sweet words, they will plant words of illness in your field of people. This is an implication of envy and jealousy."
Being fertile and futile in this society is a choice actually, speaking as a philanthropist at an early age. To be fertile is to be productive. My parents are like the constant variables affecting my growth. I am the first born in the family and pressure as I grow up is quite sent to me in a package wrapped with a very beautiful ribbon. Little i didn't know that inside it is a surprise.
In physics we have learned that effort is necessary in able to produce pressure. Action thus defines our efforts for a better being. I am really happy that my efforts are not futile to be a better person. Physically, I am not attractive they even called me names because of the way I look. All I know that I am born complete and I am happy enough that I can draw. I love crayola when I was young and subsequently I indulged myself in colors and form through painting.
nice entry!:D