Monday, September 13, 2010


Waking up at 4 am going to school has been my lifestyle for like 10 years now since we moved up in the south. It is really tiring for me and my siblings to actually travel. But I guess that is my destiny.. To travel. I feel like I live in my dad's car because most of the time I do my stuffs there except that is I do not answer the call of nature inside the car.

The time I have been spending is more of an indicator of how far will I go for my dreams. It taught me perseverance. Seeing how my parents strive hard to give us a good life, made me more eager to succeed in my chosen endeavor.

I am turning a year older again on the 24th of September. Another 360 days to face! If I will have to blow my candle I will only wish that my bones will grow a bit  longer and bigger. God is so wise that He didn't give me 5 inches more because He knows that I would want to be a MISS UNIVERSE.hehehe. I thought that I would create a difference if I am a beauty queen, little i didn't know that inside that world is by far different from what I have used to know when I was younger. Now, I know why God molded me to be like this. 

My family's love protected me from harm and exploitation. I am more of a worker. My words and stories are just drawn from my experiences in life, lessons that I have learned and inferred from the people who shared their lives with me regardless of the bad and good aspects. Important thing is that I enjoy and will keep on enjoying the fruits of learning. 

In my previous blog, I have highlighted the importance of the tongue and the taste buds as if defines ones sensibility and moral judgment. Just take a look on a baby and an old woman eating a piece of cracker. In a glance, you will know how they think about things. If the taste is not good usually younger people puke it while the older ones swallows it. Was it because of impression? Protocol? or whatever reason that the taste buds are receptive to. This is more of a picture of a psyche telling us that, as we grow older we tend to look for an identity. Given the theory by John Locke that man is like a tabula rasa- a blank mind. As man adopts to his surrounding, he tend to react on the different stimuli around him. And so he learns and makes up his identity. Again, the taste buds tells how genuine we react to things. A smiling face while drinking vinegar is a picture of hypocrisy. Have you ever felt that way?

I kept on hearing about the pains of growing up like it is being high lighted to me whenever I speak to this persons; as if they want me to really feel it. Gosh, i feel there are those who want me to feel in pain. iF THERE IS ONE USELESS THING TO DO THEN IT IS TO WORRY ABOUT NOTHING.  
This brings me to a self inflicted thing--- SELF PITTY. This is the feeling by which no one should feel about. It invites negative ions in your body and makes you feel sick. it will also make your face deformed.Would you want that?

Pain while growing up is indeed inevitable specially to those who weren't born with beautiful teeth and thanks to their parents, they have braces. Wearing braces is never easy actually but I believe in the promise of aesthetics and by the hands of my dentist that "BRACES MAKE BEAUTIFUL FACES". My mom said that if I want to look good, do not mind the pain.

Another thing that makes me feel special is that the pain that I went through from the series of events in my life. Also, what is most painful while growing up besides learning how to use a high heeled shoes for ladies like us would be loosing self respect because of irrational decisions. Irrationality driven by the trends of todays society has brought many young minds to act irresponsibly with matters confronting them.

One lesson that I have learnt is that, WHATEVER THEY SAY AGAINST YOU, DO NOT SPEAK ABOUT ILL THINGS TOWaRDS THEM. You will then realize that you are by far in a higher altitude than them because of their behavior towards you. DO NOT STOOP DOWN TO THEIR LEVELS. 

In my field of involvement,grasping different personas made me literately accurate when i make judgments among people. I never speak about others unless I have been with them or whatever ways that shown his or her psyche. Take for example this anecdote "I have met several idealistic minds who never had such experience but I refer them as intelligent ones. they are decisive about who to be with and hang out with, and they will even kiss your ass just to get in your circle. Then after those sweet words, they will plant words of illness in your field of people. This is an implication of envy and jealousy."


Being fertile and futile in this society is a choice actually, speaking as a philanthropist at an early age. To be fertile is to be productive. My parents are like the constant variables affecting my growth. I am the first born in the family and pressure as I grow up is quite sent to me in a package wrapped with a very beautiful ribbon. Little i didn't know that inside it is a surprise. 

In physics we have learned that effort is necessary in able to produce pressure. Action thus defines our efforts for a better being. I am really happy that my efforts are not futile to be a better person. Physically, I am not attractive they even called me names because of the way I look. All I know that I am born complete and I am happy enough that I can draw. I love crayola when I was young and subsequently I indulged myself in colors and form through painting.

Skills are by far important defining a person. It makes a person susceptible to different opportunities in life. Valuing and sharing ones talents is a virtue.  Take criticism as a word of encouragement. I will not deny the fact that criticisms made me a stronger person.  Let your personality shine in the midst of darkness. There are  people who will get jealous of you and your illuminance. There will be people who will make gossips against you, never mind them.. just like them, You are entitled the happiness. Bear in your mind that YOU ARE MAKING THEM HAPPY while they are talking about your back and THAT IS THE ONLY THING THEY KNOW. THEREFORE, IT MAKES SENSE IF I SAY THAT THOSE PEOPLE ARE WATCHING YOU GO HIGH UP IN THE SKIES. THEY JUST ONLY TALK BECAUSE YOU ARE UNREACHABLE.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bite your tongue - enhancing ones sensibility

When I was younger, my kindergarten teacher grouped us by table and asked us to bring the following: vinegar, salt, candies,   bitter melon, and pepper. The next morning we were tasked to taste each one of what we have brought as a group. Of course, everybody will try the candies because of the familiar taste of that for 5 year old kids. I bet sweet is the best taste for the kids and typical Filipinos. The vinegar taste made our faces crumpled like a sharpei dog. The bitter melon made us puke because of its bitterness. Salt is more of a universal favorite in the household, and by most kids too as they can find it in junk foods as well. And lastly, the taste of pepper made almost everybody cry in the classroom except for my bully classmates who pretended that its had an insipid taste on their mouth. This tasting exercise shown our genuine reflection. As it was through our innocent mouths, we recognized the tastes of life. In this case, it is more like REAL because the taste buds are too sensitive not to recognize tastes and create chemical reactions which subsequently modifies our facial reaction and feelings.
Scientifically speaking, the tongue plays an important role in our digestive system.  It  is a strong muscle anchored to the floor of the mouth. It is covered by the lingual membrane which has special areas to detect tastes.
The tongue is composed of muscles attached to the lower jaw and to the hyoid bone (a small, U-shaped bone that lies deep in the muscles at the back of the tongue) above the larynx.
On the top surface of the tongue there are small nodules called papillae that give the tongue its rough texture. Between the papillae at the sides and base of the tongue, there are small bulb-like structures that are the taste buds. The muscle fibers of the tongue are heavily supplied with nerves.
Babies have more taste buds than adults and they have these almost everywhere in the mouth, including the cheeks.
The tongue aids in the formation of the sounds of speech and coordinates its movements to aid in swallowing.
The adjective for tongue is "lingual". So the papillae of the tongue are the lingual papillae.

Given this tongue description. I think it is also one good basis of ones sensibility, seemingly the younger you are the more taste buds you have; the more sensitive you are. Will this be a justification for some of those old ones who are insensitive? Scientifically YES, again as you grow older the taste buds become less. Which also explains the genuine smiles of the babies and children. The muscle contractions is ones face has something to do with the sense of taste. Along with the nose, the tongue is efficiently will be working in identifying tastes. If we do not like the taste we often hold our nose and gradually put that thing in our mouth. 
This brings me to our sensibility as human beings. This society has different stimuli which could improve our persona, irritate our minds, and more so. This brings me to the social contract theory of Rousseau that our senses and sensibility towards matters . It is stated that"As long as a people is compelled to obey, and obeys, it does well; as soon as it can shake off the yoke, and shakes it off, it does still better; for, regaining its liberty by the same right as took it away, either it is justified in resuming it, or there was no justification for those who took it away." But the social order is a sacred right which is the basis of all other rights. Nevertheless, this right does not come from nature, and must therefore be founded on conventions. Before coming to that, I have to prove what I have just asserted. Therefore, a keen observance of what is common must follow and our sense of belongingness will cement our moral judgments which is patters off from our sensibility.
It is then, according to Grotius, doubtful whether the human race belongs to a hundred men, or that hundred men to the human race. e seems to incline to the former alternative, which is also the view of Hobbes. On this showing, the human species is divided into so many herds of cattle, each with its ruler, who keeps guard over them for the purpose of devouring them.

We may refer culture as one of the stimulants in this growing society. BEAR IN MIND THAT OUR SENSIBILITY AND SENSE OF BELONGINGNESS comes in variations. We must value the following matters as it identifies us among the crowd:

1. All men are created equal, the only variations that we have is our upbringing.
2. Values are to be taught and learned from our family, mentors, and from our religious beliefs.
3. There people who are really born to stand out, and remember that YOU are one of them!
4. Always pray for guidance. Your decision in life must be thought along with the grace of our Creator.
5. Do not ever pretend to be somebody. Because you are Unique.
6. Whatever we say and do might break or make us. Be decisive.
7. Trust your capabilities and enrich your talents, this will make you feel at ease with anyone.
8. Value your individuality.
9. Love your God, country, family, friends, and people who have been there for you for better and for worst.
10. Your enemies will make you shine in major way!!!! Your detractors are just shaping you-- because if you have them you're value is by far higher than them. REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE A DIAMOND.

See how ones tongue interjects everything. So tongues up!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

TEARS- a helping tool in recognizing the best and worst things in life

Why will I be ashamed of crying if it is genuine? Why will I be afraid to speak up if it is about truth? Why will I be afraid showing my won skin? I was always quoted as a cry baby since my first days in school, maybe because my persona is more of  One of the best exercises that I do if i feel so angry, frustrated, happy or overwhelmed, I CRY.  

Crying and tears may be favored by natural selection because they bring about helping behaviour by the spectator. This helping behaviour is explained by the assumption that crying and tears “imitate” some of the perceivable characteristics of a baby that has just been born (e.g., wet face, facial expressions, respiratory sounds). If human parents and people in general are “programmed” by evolution to feel the need to help and protect when they see (and hear) newborns, then when nonneonates are in need, the appearance and the behavior that together show resemblance to the neonate may have survival value at some essential points during phylogeny and, thus, may spread in the human species.

In ontogeny, the fact that the shedding of tears usually occurs for the first time not until weeks or months after birth is not an argument against this view but, rather, supports it.

Some Theories Regarding the Function of Emotional Tears.
In The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals, Charles Darwin listed three reasons for the secretion of tears: “The primary function of the secretion of tears, with some mucus, is to lubricate the surface of the eye, and a secondary one, as some believe, is to keep the nostrils damp, so that the inhaled air may be moist, and likewise to favour the power of smelling. But another, and at least equally important function of tears is to wash out particles of dust or other minute objects which may get into the eyes” (Darwin, 1872: 169). In Darwin’s view, the excretion of emotional tears was related to the first function.
In more recent years, A. Montagu (1959) offered another explanation of emotional tears: The intake and expulsion of air that occurs in sobbing would cause the sensitive mucous membranes of the nasopharynx to dry out quickly if tears did not keep them moist, and as a result, the risk of infection would increase. This explanation was criticized by W.H. Frey (1982:9) who wrote: “Humans do not excrete tears while running or performing other exercise where breathing is increased.” He hypothesized that, like urinating, defecating, and exhaling, emotional tearing may be involved in the removing of waste products or toxic substances from the body. Perhaps people feel better after crying because as they shed tears, they also shed, in those tears, chemicals that build up during emotional stress.
These explanations are essentially physiological, and Darwin made explicit that he assumed no other, more fundamental reason for weeping. He wrote: “…we must look at weeping as an incidental result, as purposeless as the secretion of tears from a blow outside the eye, or as a sneeze from the retina being affected by a bright light, …” (Darwin, 1872: 176-177). In his view, the sole effect of weeping or crying is to give relief to individuals who are experiencing the agony of pain.
In contrast to Darwin’s point of view, the explanation that follows directly links crying and the secretion of tears to evolutionary theory. Crying and the emotional secretion of tears are considered here to be messages that contain a request for help, and humans have the ability to cry and to shed tears because these messages have proven to be effective.

Shedding my tears which are priceless made me realize and recognize people from my field. To achieve your goals, it takes like a thousand of SWEAT, TEARS AND BLOOD. 

I have been a part of a rearing activity but internally it is really damaging. With my experience, I classified people as follows:

1. Person Who loves what they are doing and just want to learn more about matters in life.
2. persons who want to share and maximize their skills.
3. Persons who adore and love you that's why they are with you.
4. Persons who  are overwhelmed with what they will get from an activity.
5. Persons who want to change the world-- ADVOCATES who I admire personally .
6. Persons who just want to volunteer to get free food and hotel accommodation.
7. Persons who want want to elevate their ranks in their fields-- some even stole certificates for that and calls it " just a piece of paper", but take note they created a crime out of that.
8. Persons who just want to inflict pain on themselves by seeing progress, and can't wait until the next day to ruin such transcendence.
9. Persons who have said that "IT WILL NOT HAPPEN", but again see it for themselves as I say it!
10. Persons who lack moral judgment and dare to speak in public about rights but doesn't really know what thy are talking about.
11. Persons who dare to handle such tasks but can't deliver.
12. Persons who just sabotaged the pre implementation and implementation and even the post-event matters.
13. Persons who want to attain power but doesn't have the capability to do so.
14. Persons who deceives others.
15. Persons you took as human beings with rationale but they act as insects. FACT: DO NOT CALL SOMEONE AN ANIMAL IF THAT PERSON IS REALLY CAPABLE OF TENDER LOVING CARE AND KNOWS HOW TO VALUE LIFE.
16.Person who were really kind to give opportunities of learning for each other.
17. Persons who uses a name and promises you many things but the fact is they are just using you because little didn't you know all of these opportunities must go in their hands first.
18. Persons who doesn't have etiquette and bad mouths, subsequently some even have bad faces.
19. Persons who made used of the venue but didn't pay and made such commotions and used the time being of the people who are in by far important thing to do. In short, Persons who brings in gate crushers.

20. Persons who doesn't know respect
21. Persons who says they're from an organization which believes on such goals but they themselves bastardize it as to implementation.
22. Persons who want others to fail to the extent of destructing themselves before the eyes of others just to gain attention-- MORE OF AN ATTENTION SEEKER.
23. Persons who are mediocre
24. Persons who uses the weakness of others.
25. Persons who made me write these!!!
26. Persons who looks like animal creatures and doesn't know hygiene nor proper dresscodes.
27. Persons who pretends to be a benevolent one.
28. Persons who acts like doesn't have a faculty of perfectabilite.
29. Persons who lies just to suffice the facts of their incompetence.
30. Lastly, persons who should be reprimanded for their conduct of unbecoming.

Anyway so much for identifying persons, I never felt so used like this. To tell you frankly, there were several people who just want a dismantle everything and subsequently ruined themselves. I never spoke about anyone because I know that a rational man has a faculty of perfectabilte and honors the social contract. It more of knowing your true colors and let it shine in the middle of darkness. I believe that God loves those who he gives more challenges in life.

Therefore, these priceless tears will always remind us of lessons and stories of people. It actually sometimes wash away all our worries, hatred, love, trust and even memories. On the other hand it makes you recognize who's real and who's not.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

International year of the youth defines Renaissance of today's century

The youth of today had been reinventing the trends of yesterday. They have gradually become more creative and active in their respective communities. This year is declared as the International Year of the Youth by the United Nations.

For the past decades, activities took place all over the world. These activities were coordinated by the Youth Secretariat within the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, at the time based at the UN offices in Vienna, Austria. The Secretariat's director, Mohammad Sharif, was also the Executive Secretary for IYY. The President of IYY was Nicu Ceauşescu, son of the then dictator of Romania Nicolae Ceauşescu

While not organising any specific events itself, under the year's slogan of "Participation, Development, Peace", the IYY Secretariat helped facilitate numerous events helping to make IYY a success.

The main UN event for IYY was the World Congress on Youth (in Spanish: Congreso Mundial Sobre La Juventud) organised by UNESCO and held in Barcelona, Spain July 8-15, 1985. It issued the "Barcelona Declaration" on youth.

And now, it is the rebirth of this celebration from 1985. Conferences here and there are being organized to create a pact of new bloods who will cement the foundation of the society. This year is really meant to strengthen our understanding about other. The colorful culture that we have inherited from our mother and father lands are meant to make our celebration as young citizens of this world meaningful Let us build bridges around the world. Let our cultural diversity mixed the right colors for a better picture of globalization.

Young people everywhere, whatever color, race and status have the same goals in life.. to make this world a better place. A place where we shall not be judged with the size of our noses nor even with the color of our skin. May this Year uplift our understanding about our rights to happiness and good quality of life. Let our voices be heard! Let us use our skills and ingenuity to promote mutual understanding, cultural solidarity, peace and respect!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


This year is declared by the United Nations as the International Year of the Youth. In the Philippines, It has been a tradition to celebrate the International Youth Day. Last August 10 -12, 2010 More than 300 young people classified as leaders from their respective places, students from the country and foreigners; celebrated the International Youth Day at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC).

In line to this years theme given by the UN, “Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”, The United nations Association-Philippines, United Nations Youth Association –Philippines, together with the Commission on Human Rights and the National Youth Commission; organized fun and learning series of activities pertaining to this years PH’s theme, “Strengthening Peace and Human right education among the youth: Key to sustainable development”.

This year, Director Ana Elzy Ofreneo from the Commission on Human rights and Ms. Anna Karina Jardin, the youth counter part from the Lyceum of the Philippines University are the over-all chairman and co-chair respectively. All of the delegates were welcomed by the Manila City Mayor, Alfredo Lim. The award winning Ilo Ilo Youth Orchestra is also present to serenade the crowd during the opening and closing ceremony of the event. Prominent people like Boy Abunda, facilitated and spoke at the event to give inspiration to the future leaders of the world. The UNRC Dr. Jacquelin Badcock is the one who opened the gallery of works by the delegates. She was delighted by the synergy that has been created through the efforts of the young people present.

The pool of speakers this year came from the Philippine National Police, Commission on Human Rights, United Nations System, Girl Scouts of the Philippines, John Robert Powers, Department of Justice, and the National Youth Commission.

Through the plenary and concurrent sessions, all the delegates were able to grasp the essence of the theme which is peace and Human rights. The creative groupings were set and headed by MS. Gina Barte, Mr. Rob Hayden, Mr. Orville Tiamson and Ms Riza Vale. This part of the conference showcased the innovation, dynamism, and creativity of the youth. The cultural presentation is the collective outputs varied into the form of performing arts, visual arts, poetry and singing, and also dramatics, everybody did great. That is what we call synergy among the youth in action.

August 12, 2010 is the launching day of the International Year of the Youth, the delegates along with other interested people come together to run for peace and human rights at the Quirino Grandstand.

The UNRC, Dr. Badcock is the one who blew the whistle at the fun run to start the launching of International Year of the Youth. The activity was followed by the Wreath Laying ceremony with the UNAP, the chairpersons, Diplomatic corps, NYC Commissioners, and local government officials at the Rizal Monument.

The 3 day event ended at the Philippine Senate. The Office of Senator Pangilinan supported the event and out it into the history of Senate. This is the first youth ceremony held at the Legislative house of the Philippines. The presence of Senate President Enrile, Senator Cayetano, Senator Marcos ignite the room as the delegates began questioning them on certain socio-cultural and political issues.

With all these experiences, the youth will continue what they have ought to see, tasted, and felt along with their own kind—selfless advocates of peace and human rights .We must always work in dialogue to achieve mutual respect and understanding. Let us learn to live together in peace and uplift our nation from poverty. After all, our rights will only be fully realized when we learn to be more responsible enough in our society through our actions and words.